
Showing posts from August, 2020

SOLID Principles With .NET - Liskov Substitution Principle

 Liskov Substitution Principle           is a fundamental SOLID principle that states " You should be able to use any derived class instead of a parent class and have it to behave in the same manner without modification". It ensures that a derived class does not affect the behaviour of the base class . Before going into implementation of LSP , please do go through the previous article on OCP . We are continuing with the same example . This article is divided into three parts :  - Banking Service without LSP  - Banking Service Example with LSP  - Conclusion And now business want to provide the Additional Compound Interest to Salary Accounts , so in our base abstract class we are now adding another method called CalculateCompundInterest . And our abstract class looks like this  and now the derived classes looks something like below and everything looks fine till there .  Now check the below code which  violate the LSP ...

SOLID Principles With .NET - Single Responsibility Principle

 Single Responsibility Principle                          The acronym SRP states that "A class should take one responsibility and there should be one reason to change that class". In this article I want to share my knowledge on how we can make sure to follow this in our career as a developer . Every software module should have only one reason to change .The single responsibility principle gives you a good way of identifying classes at the design phase of an application.A good separation of responsibilities is done only when we have the full picture of how the application should work .  Now let's go into our example . And to go through SOLID principles , I have taken a real case scenario of a banking system  as an example for clear understanding and to give everyone a wider view about how one should act while he starts to code .  And we have three different sections   ...